Learn about sustainability in business and connect with others at the following events. We also offer a selection of training courses.
Leadership in Sustainable Business Course March 2024
Leadership in Sustainable Business Course March 2024
This in-depth course equips you with the knowledge, confidence and commitment to wield real influence on sustainability at all levels in your organisation.
Safe & Sustainable Packaging Conference
Safe & Sustainable Packaging Conference
This conference explores the developing regulatory environment both in NZ and overseas and addresses the key packaging challenges, interests, and market developments. Providing practical and progressive ideas and case studies from successful pioneers.
Circular Economy
Your circular economy boost session!
Your circular economy boost session!
Hear from a diverse group of consultants who will discuss their most progressive pieces of work to help accelerate businesses towards a circular economy.
Delivering Sustainability & Climate Reporting Conference
Delivering Sustainability & Climate Reporting Conference
With External Reporting Board’s Framework for Reporting Climate-related Financial Disclosures imminently coming into force and an expansion of its remit to include a wider range of entities deemed likely. This important new event looks in detail at what this means practically for organisations and supports a low carbon future by helping them prepare to deliver transparency around sustainability and climate impact through the development of strong, consistent sustainability reporting.
Net Zero Now: Preparing for your 2023 Net Zero Journey
Net Zero Now: Preparing for your 2023 Net Zero Journey
Join us for lunch on the 24th of November as we talk all things sustainability, Net Zero, and gearing ourselves up for our Net Zero Journeys for 2023.
Auckland Conversations: Radical Collaboration Accelerating Climate Action Together
Auckland Conversations: Radical Collaboration Accelerating Climate Action Together
2035 Oceania Summit
2035 Oceania Summit
The 2035 Oceania Summit is the most significant gathering of major stakeholders from across the Oceania region concerned with the ongoing impact of climate change on our agrifood systems.
Circular Economy
Building out Waste and Carbon Masterclass
Building out Waste and Carbon Masterclass
Are you ready for changes to how the construction sector must reduce waste and carbon emissions? Join us for the Building out Waste and Carbon Masterclass.
Auckland Climate Festival
Auckland Climate Festival
Auckland Climate Festival is back for a second year this October bringing the city together to accelerate climate action and secure a safe and just future for all.
Circular Economy
Kai & kōrero with businesses leading the circular economy
Kai & kōrero with businesses leading the circular economy
Join us for an evening of networking and hear from the businesses that make up our Circular Economy Directory.
Climate+ Stories from the Field
Climate+ Stories from the Field
This event will include information and updates from Textile Exchange, and provides an opportunity to meet one-on-one with global and local Textile Exchange team members and hear stories from textile farmers.
Past event recordings
Missed some of our past events? Watch recordings of some of our recent events.