Learn about sustainability in business and connect with others at the following events. We also offer a selection of training courses.
Climate Change & Business Conference 2024
Climate Change & Business Conference 2024
Join the kōrero this September at the Climate Change & Business Conference to engage in meaningful discussion with others passionate about the intersection between business and climate.
THE FUTURE IS NOW: Biodiversity, climate and us
THE FUTURE IS NOW: Biodiversity, climate and us
EDS’s 2024 conference will dig deeply into the twin challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss, what is at stake for the nation, and where the solutions lie
Sustainable Procurement: Impact Collective
Sustainable Procurement: Impact Collective
Join us online as we explore best practices in sustainable procurement
Sustainability Problem Solving: Startups & founders
Sustainability Problem Solving: Startups & founders
At SBN, we believe collaboration is the key to improving sustainability in business. So, we are hosting industry specific kōrero to help solve some common sustainability challenges through creativity and collaboration. This session is a bit different as it's not necessarily an industry, but is focused on Startups & founders. We have had feedback that it can be a hard and sometimes lonely journey as a Startup/founder, so we wanted to bring those within out network together.
Sustainability Problem Solving: Primary Industries
Sustainability Problem Solving: Primary Industries
At SBN, we believe collaboration is the key to improving sustainability in business. So, we are hosting industry specific kōrero to help solve some common sustainability challenges through creativity and collaboration. This session will focus on primary industries.
Sustainability Problem Solving: Design, communication & marketing
Sustainability Problem Solving: Design, communication & marketing
At SBN, we believe collaboration is the key to improving sustainability in business. So, we are hosting industry specific kōrero to help solve some common sustainability challenges through creativity and collaboration. This session will focus on design, communication & marketing
Sustainable Business Awards 2023 Launch
Sustainable Business Awards 2023 Launch
Hear from past Award winners, learn what the Awards are all about, and what makes them so special.
Sustainability Problem Solving: Food, beverage and hospitality
Sustainability Problem Solving: Food, beverage and hospitality
At SBN, we believe collaboration is the key to improving sustainability in business. So, we are hosting industry specific kōrero to help solve some common sustainability challenges through creativity and collaboration. This session will focus on food, beverage and hospitality.
Sustainability Problem Solving: Transport and logistics
Sustainability Problem Solving: Transport and logistics
At SBN, we believe collaboration is the key to improving sustainability in business. So, we are hosting industry specific kōrero to help solve some common sustainability challenges through creativity and collaboration. This session will focus on transport and logistics.
Circular Economy
Leadership in Sustainable Business Course 2023
Leadership in Sustainable Business Course 2023
This in-depth course equips you with the knowledge, confidence and commitment to wield real influence on sustainability at all levels in your organisation.
Circular Economy
Your circular economy boost session!
Your circular economy boost session!
Hear from a diverse group of consultants who will discuss their most progressive pieces of work to help accelerate businesses towards a circular economy.
Network & Connect with special guest Sir Jonathon Porritt
Network & Connect with special guest Sir Jonathon Porritt
We are very pleased to invite our network to attend a conversation with Sir Jonathon Porritt as we connect on the issues of our time and opportunities for business leadership from Aotearoa.
Sustainable Business Awards 2022
Sustainable Business Awards 2022
The Sustainable Business Awards are New Zealand’s pre-eminent and longest-standing sustainability awards, now in their 20th year. They recognise and celebrate success in sustainability.
Circular Economy
Kai & kōrero with businesses leading the circular economy
Kai & kōrero with businesses leading the circular economy
Join us for an evening of networking and hear from the businesses that make up our Circular Economy Directory.
Launch: 2022 Sustainable Business Awards
Launch: 2022 Sustainable Business Awards
Join SBN, along with NZI and our category sponsors, to launch the 2022 Sustainable Business Awards. This is the 20th year of the Awards and we’re going to make them extra special!
E Tipu: The Boma Agri Summit
E Tipu: The Boma Agri Summit
E Tipu: The Boma Agri Summit is set to catalyse the future in 2022. Join Aotearoa’s biggest food and fibre sector summit.
Past event recordings
Missed some of our past events? Watch recordings of some of our recent events.