What we do
We believe that Aotearoa New Zealand needs to better value its indigenous forests and be encouraged to plant more and actively manage them. To support this, we facilitate and conduct research, and share the latest knowledge in the successful establishment of indigenous forests for multiple purposes and use. We promote native forestry (indigenous tree species) on private land as an appropriate land-use option to achieve many conservation, production, and cultural gains.
How we can help you to go circular
Tāne’s Tree Trust initiates, supports and freely disseminates research into best-practice in all aspects of native tree establishment and native forestry. In particular, we see opportunities for active management in planted native forests and naturally reverted second-growth forests to combine conservation outcomes with timber production and other cultural uses. We promote the application and continued research into continuous cover forestry principles as best-practice sustainable forest management. We recognise that appropriate management of native forest is always dependent on context and management objectives ranging from maintaining untouched ‘wilderness’ and ecological values through to production orientated goals.
Tāne’s Tree Trust advocates a site-specific management approach with careful consideration in respect to the wider landscape and cultural settings – native forests for now and for the future.