Business is the new frontline for people wanting to positively impact the world.
Join us for a free breakfast and learn how Karma Drinks is helping save lives in Sierra Leone. Hear from Albert Tucker, Chairman of the Karma Drinks Foundation about the positive impacts the business is having on the communities in the Gola Rainforest in West Africa.
Learn how your business can get involved and make this kind of difference, too.
About The Karma Drinks Foundation — The Power of Positive Business
The Karma Drinks Foundation ensures money from Karma Drinks sales is used to directly support the communities that harvest cola nuts— a key ingredient for its products—in Sierra Leone. The Foundation undertakes and supports initiatives that have a positive social and environmental impact on producers and consumers. This is made possible by running a profitable business.
Find out more about the positive impacts made by Karma Drinks, the Karma Drinks Foundation and customers here.