Manufacturing is one of the main sources of emissions in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Join us as the Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing, Andrew Bayly, launches a report and updated Climate Action Toolbox aimed at helping the manufacturing sector reduce emissions.
Gain insights from the authors of Mapping Emissions and Waste Stream Profiles, and Opportunities for Achieving Net-Zero Circular Advanced Manufacturing. The report is intended to support the growth and resilience of Aotearoa New Zealand’s advanced manufacturing sector. It identifies and maps the sector’s emissions and waste patterns and ways for businesses to adopt net-zero circular manufacturing practices. The report was commissioned by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and created by Aurecon, thinkstep-anz and the Sustainable Business Network.
The Climate Action Toolbox is a free online resource to help small and medium businesses reduce emissions. Since its launch in 2021, the Toolbox has had more than 56,000 users.
Last year we added tailored advice for the construction sector. Now we’re excited to introduce specialised support for the manufacturing sector. It's been created in collaboration with industry experts and provides practical and tailored guidance to help small and medium manufacturing businesses reduce their emissions.
The Climate Action Toolbox was made possible thanks to our partners Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, BNZ, EECA (Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority), Spark and NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi. Thanks also to our design and development partner DNA as well as NZTE (New Zealand Trade and Enterprise) for supporting the manufacturing sector pathway. We would also like to thank our sector reviewers for their contribution.