Recloaking Papatūānuku is a plan to recloak Aotearoa New Zealand in 2.1 million hectares of native forests over the next 10 years. Aotearoa New Zealand currently has approximately 8 million hectares of native forests a small fraction of the vast, natural forest cover that once spread across the land. Recloaking Papatūānuku’s mosaic approach to restoring our native forests proposes three routes; enhancement of existing but degraded public and private forest, supported natural reversion of marginal land and the reforestation of non-forested land.
The initiative is led by Pure Advantage and Tāne’s Tree Trust. The Sustainable Business Network (SBN) has joined a growing alliance of signatories calling on the Government, businesses, local communities and citizens to support and commit to the plan.
By strategically reforesting and restoring large areas of our native forests, we can start to reverse the alarming decline of our native flora and fauna. A recent WWF report revealed more than 4,000 native species are threatened or at risk of extinction in Aotearoa New Zealand. Although 80% of New Zealanders think nature is in good shape, the sad reality is we have one of the highest proportion of species at risk in the world.
The initiative will not only boost biodiversity but it will also help protect and improve our soils and waterways, secure enduring, long term carbon sinks and weave climate and ecological resilience into our landscapes.
The aims of Recloaking Papatūānuku are closely aligned with SBN’s work. Regenerating nature is vital if we are to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises, as well as secure a just transition for all. It is also crucial to recognise that the health of our economy and society hinges upon the wellbeing of nature. Our businesses and livelihoods rest and rely on the living world around us.
Recloaking Papatūānuku presents a well-researched, cost-effective, multi-win and high value opportunity for Aotearoa New Zealand to globally pioneer the nationwide implementation of a nature-based solution to the climate and biodiversity crises.
Recloaking Papatūānuku is not a substitute for deep and urgent emissions reductions; rather, it is a necessary complement.
It is a solution to address a range of critical and interlinked ecological issues synergistically, and with the degree of urgency and ambition of action that Papatūānuku needs and deserves. Success could see Aotearoa New Zealand become the first nature-positive nation in the world.
Informed and guided by mātaraunga Māori, Recloaking Papatūānuku also acknowledges our collective responsibility for the wellbeing of Papatūānuku and her future mokopuna, presenting an intergenerational commitment to create a lasting legacy for them.
The New Zealand Government has committed to prioritising domestic action to meet our climate obligations. As a relatively wealthy, developed nation, and also one of the highest emitting per capita, we could - and should - be doing considerably more to ‘play our part’ and demonstrate global leadership in addressing our climate and biodiversity crises together.
Learn more about Recloaking Papatūānuku by watching this short video of Sam “the Trap Man” Gibson who takes us on a journey into the bush, sharing his knowledge and showing how humans can “Think Like a Forest”.