A Partnership Journey: Guide for Community Groups and Businesses, created by the Sustainable Business Network (SBN), features a step-by-step action plan with practical tips and resources.
Gemma Coate, Programme Manager – Regenerating Nature at SBN, is the report author. She says the guide bridges the gap between businesses that want to incorporate nature into their strategy and people doing the mahi on the ground.
“Aotearoa New Zealand faces a biodiversity crisis. With more than 4,000 species threatened or at risk of extinction, we have one of the world's highest proportions of species at risk. As the effects of climate change increase, threatened species and habitats will become even more vulnerable. Urgent action is needed,” she says.
“Partnerships are powerful tools for protecting nature. They help pool resources and expertise, amplify efforts and enhance credibility.
“Our research shows that businesses in Aotearoa New Zealand are increasingly motivated to invest in nature. But they’re being held back by lack of knowledge. This guide addresses that need.”
The guide identifies the principles that underpin successful collaborations, with a pathway to creating an effective partnership. It focuses on:
- What to consider before partnering
- How to connect and collaborate effectively
- Key factors and tips for delivering successful partnership projects
Gemma says the guide will support businesses’ sustainability strategies by giving them the confidence to explore new partnerships. For community groups, the guide helps demystify business processes, from pitches to funding.
“Navigating nature-related action can be complex,” says Gemma. “At SBN, collaboration is at the heart of what we do. We’ve partnered with more than 70 community, iwi, hapū, and landowner-led projects over the past decade and have built up a wealth of knowledge about what works in practice.”
We’re partnering with 11 community projects across the motu, offering businesses a chance to get involved. Most were supported by the Department of Conservation’s Jobs for Nature fund.
“With government funding of the $1.2 billion Jobs for Nature programme nearing its end, environmental gains and skilled jobs risk being lost. It’s time for businesses to step up and take the lead. The projects, people and potential are already in place. The missing piece is investment and collaboration,” says Gemma.
A Partnership Journey: Guide for Community Groups and Businesses was created with the support of Auckland Council’s Environmental Services team. It was developed following a workshop at the 2024 Nature and Business Symposium.
Find out more about investing in nature projects.
View the guide.