What we do
Anamata accepts all waste that can be re-used and either makes it available on Aotea (Great Barrier Island) or ships it to recycling and repurposing facilities on the mainland. We engage across all sectors of our community. We target particular sectors, such as building and construction, to find solutions collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes, e.g. supply and/or collection of bins for reusable items. We offer information, support, site visits and tours to aid waste minimisation.
How we can help you to go circular
We help businesses go circular by finding receivers for waste items. We transport all recyclable goods off the island in a back load system (on the return trip of another delivery). This minimises the carbon footprint and helps island businesses with freight costs. By providing an outlet for resale of waste or left over products (sometimes after processing), Anamata supports businesses on Aotea to operate a more circular economy model.
Anamata brings the community together via workshops and events to develop solutions supporting resilience and waste reduction on the island. We provide support to businesses applying for funding for projects that will reduce or divert waste.
Anamata means ‘future, ongoing life, visions for the future’ in te reo. We are supported by an Auckland Council contract.