Our directory
Abilities Incorporated
At Abilities Group our focus is “Caring for our people and your environment.” We are a non-profit social enterprise committed and offer a variety of ethical and transparent environmental services, including recycling.
- Recycling Recycling or composting waste materials into reusable materials.
Anamata is a community, not for profit enterprise, operating the Aotea Community Recycling and Resource Recovery Centre. We reduce waste through resale, upcycling, recycling and composting as well as support and education in the community.
- Extending Extending the lifespan of products and materials to keep them in circulation via reuse, repair, refurbishment, and remanufacture.
- Recycling Recycling or composting waste materials into reusable materials.
Blue Borage Ltd
Blue Borage offers compost education to help your team redesign your waste systems. This means you can make soil from your green waste and food scraps and reduce or eliminate the need to pay for it to be taken away.
- Regenerating Regenerating nature so the health of our natural environment is improved.
- Recycling Recycling or composting waste materials into reusable materials.
Packaging Recyclers
We provide a recycling service for cardboard boxes and put them to immediate reuse. We’re trusted by major New Zealand companies to support their sustainability goals and reduce costs. Our mission is to rethink recycling to direct reuse in the local circular economy.
- Extending Extending the lifespan of products and materials to keep them in circulation via reuse, repair, refurbishment, and remanufacture.
- Recycling Recycling or composting waste materials into reusable materials.
Waste Management NZ
Waste Management is a materials and energy recovery leader, propelling customers toward their sustainability goals with our advisory and material recovery solutions, to power the circular economy and the journey to a carbon positive future for Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Redesigning Redesigning how systems or products are created so they use less resources, last longer, or get a continued life, and eliminate waste compared to standard industry practices.
- Recycling Recycling or composting waste materials into reusable materials.