Kōkako Organic Coffee Roasters supplies coffee to Kiwis. Their coffee is Fairtrade, organic, and climate neutral. They’re based in Mount Eden, Auckland.
Caring for the environment has always been important to Kōkako. But a few years ago, they decided to get strategic about it. They figured that reporting on what they’d already achieved would help them decide where to go next.
They were right. Making their efforts public with sustainability reports was a great motivator. It ensured they set and met new goals. They’re now committed to new goals every 2 years. Having everything in writing drives progress and keeps them honest. Their stakeholders can see if they’re walking the talk.
So far, the team at Kōkako have made great headway. They’ve upgraded to hybrid vehicles. They’ve slashed waste with reusable buckets instead of single-use bags. And they’ve offset any carbon emissions they can’t avoid. Sustainability is part of every decision they make.