Get informed and have your say on Auckland Council's draft waste plan
Tell Auckland Council what you think about their draft Waste Plan for Tāmaki Makaurau – it’s their roadmap of actions to 2030. Have they got it right? What have they missed? They want to hear from you to make sure that they shape a plan for all Aucklanders
Commercial waste makes up over 80% of the 1.5 million tonnes that Auckland sends to mixed waste landfill each year– if you’re interested in shaping how Auckland Council tackle the mammoth task of reducing this, please register for this free Q&A webinar for commercial waste
Want to get a short rundown on the plan generally and/or ask a question? If you are interested in hearing about the plan, please register for this public information webinar on 19 March 2024
Interested in giving verbal feedback on behalf of an organisation or interest group, or a Māori organisation with an interest in waste? Feel free to register for the
- ‘hearing-style’ events here: Regional Organisation / Interest Group and Māori organisation Have Your Say Events