Challenge Hub Status - solution options supplied
Traditional cable ties are made from nylon and are non-recyclable. Stainless steel cable ties are recyclable and have a higher tensile strength, however, a specific tool is needed to tighten these and they can be very sharp when clipped.
Reusable cable ties
Construction company Naylor Love went looking for a solution and found reusable cable ties. They then teamed up with Mitre 10 to have them as an off-the-shelf product.
The collaboration yielded impressive results. Working with its overseas suppliers Mitre 10 sourced reusable cable ties that could be used multiple times and met rigorous construction site quality standards. Naylor Love then tested them to make sure they were suitable for New Zealand conditions.
The product was given the green light and reusable cable ties are being introduced into the Mitre 10 supply chain and will be available from June 2024. While addressing Naylor Love's specific challenge, reusable cable ties will provide a more sustainable option for all Mitre 10 customers.
Naylor Love has successfully promoted reusable cable ties on its building sites throughout the country and has gained approval from service engineers to use on one project to date. As a result, it is committed to seeing this solution implemented more widely.
Find out more about this impactful collaboration through our case study here.