About this work
The Puhinui Stream flows from Totara Park near Auckland’s Botanic Gardens in Manurewa. It continues through Ōtara and Papatoetoe, out to the Manukau Harbour.
We're supporting work to regenerate the entire stream and its catchment, addressing a range of ecological, economic and social issues.
SBN kickstarted this transformative journey in 2020, with $1 million of seed funding from the Department of Conservation's Mahi mo te Taiao (Jobs for Nature).
We’re focused on securing and redistributing resources to community organisations. We’re particularly targeting indigenous-led initiatives that employ local rangatahi (young people) in mahi tiaki taiao - environmental restoration work. The initiatives we support focus on regenerative practice, grounded in Mātauranga Māori, indigenous knowledge and methodologies.
We've collaborated with amazing organisations in South Auckland to help activate the work of the award-winning regeneration strategy, Te Whakaoranga o Te Puhinui. It’s a partnership programme led by mana whenua Te Waiohua iwi collective, Auckland Council whānau, and the vibrant local community.
Invest now!
This is an amazing opportunity to be involved in the exciting nature and iwi-led rejuvenation of this South Auckland community. Investment now is crucial. It will help us to continue and expand the work on the ground. Be a part of this inspiring journey.
Contact Steph at [email protected]