Going Circular
Sponsored by Auckland Council.
Made by The Better Packaging Co., SWOP satchels are a sustainable alternative to plastic courier satchels. Durable, waterproof and inexpensive to produce, SWOP courier satchels are recyclable, biodegradable and can be used repeatedly. SWOPs are produced from a new and innovative paper that uses 40% less water and energy to produce, but can still be recycled as paper.
The packaging of home-delivered products now accounts for an extraordinary 30% of the solid rubbish generated annually. Over a period of three years The Better Packaging Co. aims to eliminate the use of five million courier satchels worldwide, replacing them with SWOPs, which can be returned after use via post or drop-off locations. About 10,000 SWOPs are being used during a pilot programme with customers. Phase two of SWOPs will be supported by a new app. Users will be rewarded for returning the packaging to a SWOP drop-off location with a refund of their deposit or other rewards.